We’ve all heard that stress is a silent killer. We’re told to calm down or face the consequences. It’s a bit difficult to do that when there’s a pandemic going around. Especially now that we’re cautiously observing each and every cough we make.
I’m by no means downplaying the realities of COVID-19 and should you fit the symptoms, then please seek medical help and don’t sue me.
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Jokes aside. I will say that with the current paranoia going around through this pandemic, I’ve begun to listen carefully to each and every sneeze or cough that my loved ones make. There’s no such thing as allergies, stomach bugs, or the common cold in my book anymore – it’s all been replaced by COVID-19.
The truth is that we’re experiencing a whole array of health risks right now for one simple fact – stress. This concept has been dubbed by non-believers as being a doctor’s way out of a proper diagnosis however, it can and will kill you.
Okay, I was being melodramatic there. Sorry. The truth is that stress itself isn’t the one pulling the trigger, it’s you. The ways you choose to deal with stress can be the defining line between seeing tomorrow or staying in the dark.
The following is a list of a few stress-related illnesses that can occur if you don’t get your situation under control:
- Mental health fluctuations.
- Cardiovascular disease.
- Eating disorders.
- Menstrual issues.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- Skin and hear problems.
- Gastrointestinal complications
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As you can see, prolonged stress can affect the functioning of the entire human body. With times as unstable and difficult as they are right now, it is important to maintain a level head and if you are unable to do so, it’s even more important to seek professional help.
COVID-19 has turned our lives upside-down and there’s no telling when any form of normality will return (if it even does return) all that matters right now is that we keep our loved ones safe and ensure to take care of our personal well being.