Trump Threatens To Overrule States And Reopen Churches

“If they don’t do it, I will override the governors. In America, we need more prayer, not less.”

President Donald Trump is adamant to get the country open for business as he threatened to overrule any states that did not allow churches to reopen.

The president had first approached African-American religious leaders earlier this week to get behind him as he pursued to reopen churches.

President Trump declared that churches should be listed as “essential” and therefore be allowed to open so followers may continue with their religious practices.

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“The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important, essential places of faith to open right now for this weekend,” the president told the press in the Briefing Room before going on to say that:

“If they don’t do it, I will override the governors. In America, we need more prayer, not less.”

Some are seeing this as just another way to force his agenda to reopen the country as well as garnish voters in the African-American community.

The White House was unable to clarify under what right the president would have to carry out these threats but did note that he could take the non-compliant states to court based on religious freedom grounds.

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This route, however, would take time and be a waste of valuable taxpayer money.

I was surprised to see Mr Trump taking such a vivid stand for the religious community as he himself has not been much of an advocate for religious practices, rarely going to church and previously supporting abortion rights.

It is for these reasons that most see this new stance as a just a political move just as the Presidential elections approach.

With Trump losing most of his support base, this new move seems to be a means of winning back his voters as Dean of the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, Mark J. Rozell went onto say:

“Religious conservatives are the most solid core of Trump’s voter base and he needs an especially strong turnout from that community in what appears to be an uphill run for re-election,”

“These are Trump’s voters, and he needs them to turn out big this year.”

Churches, mosques and synagogues were closed during the coronavirus clampdown as the government looked to implement social distancing by banning mass gatherings of people.

With the United States recording over 97,000 deaths so far from COVID-19,  many Governors are worried that the reopening of churches may only worsen the situation.

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