Sean Hannity Attack Video On Trump, Twitter Calls It ‘Manipulated Media’.

The video “attempts to portray Sean Hannity discrediting President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, when in reality the footage shows the commentator highlighting the growing controversies surrounding Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris,” said the protest on Hannity’s web site. “Twitter has since corrected the discredited content.”

Sean Hannity on Friday blasted the latest assault video clip on Trump that used Hannity’s own words to attack the president. Twitter called the political video “manipulated media” after protesting by the Fox News host.

The video by the MeidasTouch Super PAC contained parts of Hannity blasting Democratic false conspiracy theories, and attacking Joe Biden as a “frail guy” with questionable “cognitive fitness.” Those were flashbacks with scenes of President Donald Trump spinning his latest birther conspiracy theory, looking weak and not making sense.

The video “attempts to portray Sean Hannity discrediting President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, when in reality the footage shows the commentator highlighting the growing controversies surrounding Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris,” said the protest on Hannity’s web site. “Twitter has since corrected the discredited content.”

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The MeidasTouch video, which won a total of more than 2.2 million views Friday after Hannity weighed in, was not “corrected.” The warning on the tweet connected to company policy explaining that Twitter “may label Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media to help people understand their authenticity and to provide additional context.”

The response from MeidasTouch? “Keep retweeting.”

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