Biden Says Trump Is ‘Too Weak, Too Scared’ To Rebuke Violence

“If Donald Trump can’t say that, then he is unfit to be president and his preference for more violence — not less — is clear,” Biden added.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said that President Donald Trump is too weak and too scared for refusing to condemn violence committed by some of his own supporters.

On Monday, Biden went to Pennsylvania, where he condemned the violence that had ruined some Black Lives Matter protests as “wrong in every way.”

“Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting,” Biden said. “None of this is protesting. It’s lawlessness, plain and simple.”

Former vice-president Joe Biden also requested that Trump disclaim violence, saying “his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is.”

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The president didn’t sugarcoat when asked by reporters later in the day if he would be against the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen Trump supporter who supposedly shot and murdered two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Instead, Trump defended him, saying Rittenhouse was “very violently attacked.”

Biden said in a statement Monday night that the disavow showed Trump was “too weak and too scared of the hatred he had stirred to put an end to it.”

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said “So once again, I urge the president to join me in saying that while peaceful protest is a right — a necessity — violence is wrong, period. No matter who does it, no matter what political affiliation they have. Period.”

“If Donald Trump can’t say that, then he is unfit to be president and his preference for more violence — not less — is clear,” Biden added.

Biden also called out the president for applauding right-wing militants carrying Trump flags who shot paintball guns and other materials into a crowd of demonstrators in Portland, Oregon over the weekend.

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Trump said they were “peaceful” because “paint is not bullets.”

One member of a right-wing group was shot and murdered in a confrontation during the Portland demonstrations. It’s not yet revealed what resulted to the incident and if it was linked to the protests. At the time of this writing, police have not revealed any suspect.

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