U.S. Representative Jahana Hayes Tested Positive For COVID-19

“This morning I received a positive COVID-19 test result and will be quarantined for the 14 days,” said Hayes.

U.S. Representative Jahana Hayes confirmed on her Twitter account on Sunday that she tested positive for COVID-19.

“This morning I received a positive COVID-19 test result and will be quarantined for the 14 days,” Hayes announced on Twitter. “After going to 2 urgent care centers yesterday, I finally got an appointment at a 3rd site and was tested this morning.”

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“I have been in close contact with the staffer and I have worked in both my CT and DC offices over the last week, all my staff has been notified and directed to quarantine and get tested,” Hayes added.

On Saturday the U.S. representative mentioned that members of congress do not get tested regularly.

“In fact, we are not mass tested at all in DC. Masks, social distancing & frequent floor cleanings are the precautions that are taken in the house. I have taken every possible precaution and still contracted coronavirus.”

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She asked people to keep her family and her staff in prayers, “please keep my family and my staff in your prayers,” She wrote on Twitter.

She is not the first Government official to contract COVID-19, Hayes is counted amongst other Government officials that have contracted COVID-19 which includes; Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY who contracted coronavirus on March 22.

And Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz; and other members of congress contracted COVID-19. Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart, a nine-term Florida Republican, and Ben McAdams, a freshman Democrat from Utah, were the first two members of U.S. congress to test positive for coronavirus.

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