Graham Says The Senate GOP Has Votes To Confirm New Scotus Runner

“it is pretty obvious that if they (Democrats) want an outcome, they will just destroy anybody’s life to keep the seats open.”

On Monday, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the judiciary, Lindsey Graham, told “Hannity” that Senate Republicans have enough votes to confirm a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the election’s day on the 3rd of November.

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During his interview with Sean Hannity the host of “Hannity”, Graham mentioned that, “it is pretty obvious that if they (Democrats) want an outcome, they will just destroy anybody’s life to keep the seats open.”

He added by saying, “They said they tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh so they could fill the seat, they were dumb enough to say that. I have seen this movie before. It’s not going to work; it did not work with Kavanaugh.”

“We have got the votes to confirm Justice Ginsburg’s replacement before the election’s day. We are going to move forward in the committee, we are going to report the nomination out of the committee to the floor of the united states senate so we can vote before the election. Now, that’s the constitutional process.”

The Judiciary Committee chair added that Trump’s nominee is expected to be announced later this week, “will be supported by every Republican in the judiciary Committee.”

He affirmed that: “We have got the votes to confirm the judge, the senate before the election and that’s what’s coming.”

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However, Grahams pledge to move the nomination process along in the Senate resulted in the protesters gathering outside of his Washington D.C home.

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