Biden’s Campaign Team Commits To Two Remaining Presidential Debates

The deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, dismissed claims that Biden would skip the final two shutdowns, this comes after Sen. Chris Coons, a Biden’s supporter, said he would leave the decision to the campaign, but he questioned the effectiveness of debates  for candidates facing off against Trump.

Joe Biden’s campaign team wasted a little time late Tuesday in regards to confirm that the Democratic Presidential nominee Biden has committed to participating in the final two presidential debates before the November 3rd elections.

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The deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, dismissed claims that Biden would skip the final two shutdowns, this comes after Sen. Chris Coons, a Biden’s supporter, said he would leave the decision to the campaign, but he questioned the effectiveness of debates  for candidates facing off against Trump.

“The point of the debate is for the American people to make a decision, informed by hearing from the two candidates on what’s your record, what are your values? Joe Biden came prepared to respect the American people. Trump did not,” he said.

Joe Lockhart, a former White House Press Secretary, wrote an op-ed in August to urge Biden to skip the debates altogether.

“it’s a fool’s errand to enter the ring with someone who can’t follow the rules of the truth. Biden will undoubtedly take heat from republicans and the media for skipping the debates. But it is worth the risk as trying to debate someone incapable of telling the truth is an impossible contest to win,” Lockhart wrote on CNN.

Jennifer Jacobs tweeted, “Biden’s aides told reporters after the debate that Joe Biden will participate in the next two debates.”

Jason Miller retweeted Jennifer Jacobs post and wrote, “The fact that they’re even addressing this is further evidence Biden lost badly tonight.”

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The next debates are scheduled on October 15 and October 22.







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