A Muslim Reminder By Xahrerh

Islam and Christianity, believers in the two major religions are hard to determine and to go by their appearance and attitudes in society.

Nigeria is a very religious society but it appears that it’s only the case on Sundays or Fridays when going to places of worship. Seeing as many people drift from teachings in their everyday lives.

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Islam and Christianity, believers in the two major religions are hard to determine and to go by their appearance and attitudes in society.

Then, a young Muslim lady identified as Xahrerh on Twitter has posted on social media to warn people about the things that are forbidden (Haraam) in Islam.

In her post, Xahrerh stated that doing manicure, pedicure, eyelashes, bleaching, wearing masculine clothes, using heavy perfumes and more are forbidden in Islam.

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She wrote: “Dear Muslim Ladies, Attachment is HARAAM, Fake nails is HARAAM, Fake eyelashes is HARAAM, Bleaching is HARAAM, Plucking eyebrows is HARAAM, Tight revealing clothes HARAAM, Imitating men is HARAAM, Heavy perfume is HARAAM, Revealing hair is HARAAM, May Allah guide us to the right part.”

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