Sen. Paul Has Tested Positive For The Coronavirus After Playing Down Bill

However, Twitter users are slamming Sen. Paul after he was announced to have contracted the virus after playing down the "family first" bill.

The U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has tested positive for the COVID-19, his office has announced Sunday. He is currently the first senator so far announced to have tested positive for the virus.

The Republican is, however, in good health condition and in quarantine, according to a tweet from his official handle.

“He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events. He was not aware of any direct contact with an infected person,” the tweet said.

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“He expects to be back in the Senate after his quarantine period ends and will continue to work for the people of Kentucky whom he represents at this difficult time,” said a second tweet from Sen. Paul’s twitter handle.

Sen. Paul is the third member of Congress announced to have tested positive for the coronavirus, which has infected more than 31,000 people in the U.S. and over 320,000 people globally. The other two members of Congress are, Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) and Ben McAdams (D-Utah), they were both announced last week to have contracted the virus.

Sen. Paul’s motivation to go for a test is unclear since he had no symptom and could not remember being in direct contact with an infected person or people. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised only people who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or have had direct contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus to go for a test.

All senators who have come in contact with Sen. Paul are reportedly concerned over their status because they weren’t aware that he had the virus until this morning. Three GOP senators told CNN that Paul was in the gym with colleagues earlier Sunday, and he was spotted sitting near others during recent lunches.

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“All the senators are going to seek medical advice as to what action we should take to make sure that we don’t in any way spread this virus ourselves,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) told reporters on Sunday. “We had lunch together with Rand, and hope he’s doing very well, but we have to determine whether any of us should self-quarantine as a result of being in the same room.”

However, Twitter users are slamming Sen. Paul after he was announced to have contracted the virus after playing down the “family first” bill.

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