Trump Taking Steps To Follow Through On Social Media Threat

Trump went on to show that he is not a man of idle threats as he got the White House to start drafting an executive order targeting social media platforms like Facebook and  Twitter.

Earlier this week, Twitter found itself directly in the president’s line of sight as the social media platform decided that some of the president’s tweets require a fact check label.

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This did not sit well with President Trump who immediately went on the offensive, attacking the site for questioning the validity of his tweets.

Trump has always warned that he was at war with fake news and now he’s finally found a way to finally take control after earlier social media outlets that  he was coming for them as he earlier said:

“Social Media. Clean up your act, NOW!!!!”.

The draft seeks to give Trump the legal powers necessary to control social media content.

This bill is a dangerous step towards violating civil liberty rights such as the freedom of speech and has the danger of being used as a propaganda tool.

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Even former Republican commissioner at Federal Communications Commission(FCC) as he went on to tweet in protest that:

“This speech control is #unconstitutional,”

Democratic FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel also  raised concerns on First Amendment infringements saying

“An Executive Order that would turn the Federal Communications Commission into the President’s speech police is not the answer,”

“It’s time for those in Washington to speak up for the First Amendment. History won’t be kind to silence.”


Even so, it is highly unlikely the senate would let it pass as it would give the president full autonomy of such an influential platform.

With the presidential elections just months away,   such powers could significantly influence the outcome.

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