James Comey To Testify Before Congress About Russia Probe

“We’re not going to let the system blame some low-level intel analyst or case agent for defrauding the court,” Graham told Fox news in June. “I believe it goes to the very top, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it and that means sally Yates and{ Rod} Rosenstein, and {Andrew} McCabe and Comey are all going to come before the committee and they’re going to be asked, ‘What did you know and when did you know it?

James Comey, former FBI director is expected to make his long-awaited appearance before the senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday to answer questions regarding the FBI’s actions in the early stages of the Russia investigation.

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“We’re not going to let the system blame some low-level intel analyst or case agent for defrauding the court,” Graham told Fox news in June. “I believe it goes to the very top, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it and that means sally Yates and{ Rod} Rosenstein, and {Andrew} McCabe and Comey are all going to come before the committee and they’re going to be asked, ‘What did you know and when did you know it?

Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has speculated that the lower-level FBI employees who conducted the interview with the sub-source were not the only ones who knew that the sub-sources said the information in the dossier was unreliable.

Justice Department Inspector General’s report revealed the details of the FBI’s activities related to its use of the dossier for obtaining a warrant (and subsequent warrant renewals) from the foreign intelligence surveillance court.

Attorney General Bill Barr revealed in a letter to Graham last week that a previously classified footnote in that report contained information related to the dossier reliability particularly regarding the sub-source.

“A footnote in the inspector General’s report contains information, which up till now has been classified and redacted, bearing on the reliability of the Steele Dossier,” Barr wrote.

“The FBI has declassified the relevant portion of the footnote, number 334, which states that the primary sub-source was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence that assessed his or her contacts with suspected Russian intelligence officers.”

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Comey has gone on record in the past claiming that the FBI “did not intentionally commit wrongdoing” but described the FBI’s failures as “real sloppiness.”





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