Garland’s Special Counsel Has Trump 2024 In Mind, Not What You Think

Given that former President Trump recently declared his intention to run for President in 2024, and that the mentally ill Joe Biden has stated his intention to run against him, the appointment appears to be an outrage.

Garland's Special Counsel Has Trump 2024 In Mind, Not What You Think - SurgeZirc US
Garland's Special Counsel Has Trump 2024 In Mind, Not What You Think.

Former President Donald Trump has been investigated by a special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland. Do not be misled: this act is not intended to remove Trump from the battlefield, but rather to assist him in riding to victory and becoming the Republican candidate for President in 2024.

Democrats are just that cunning, as evidenced by their recent subversion of Republican primaries by supporting candidates they hoped would lose in the general election.

In the week before the Senate convened to impeach him in 2020, President Trump received his highest-ever approval rating of 49%, according to Gallup. President Trump’s popularity grew during the months when the House held endless hearings on the January 6 riots.

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How is that possible? Mostly because Trump is a master of the victim card. He rages and thunders, convincingly denouncing his persecutors because the treatment meted out to him by the liberal press and his political opponents have been appalling.

His words have been twisted and misrepresented in heinous ways, and his every action has been ignored or defamed. Trump was never given fair treatment.

The House hearings on January 6 could have tempered right-wing enthusiasm for Trump if they had been conducted fairly. Almost all Republicans were horrified by the Capitol attack. They were not, however.

Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked “Select Committee” staged a political show trial, with no representation for Trump. He was presumed guilty until proven innocent, with no opportunity to present an opposing argument or even question his accusers. That is unpatriotic.

Garland capitulated to angry Democrats whose thirst for vengeance against the former president – vengeance for exposing their empty promises and damaging policies – will never be quenched. But, while ostensibly holding Trump accountable, he will also increase his chances of winning the GOP primaries.

Many Republicans will see Garland’s decision as a political strike designed to keep Trump from becoming president again. They will be outraged, and despite numerous indications that the former president is not the best 2024 candidate, they will back him.

Meanwhile, the special counsel investigation will continue amid a whirlwind of leaks and rumors that will constantly remind independent voters of Trump’s wrongdoings.

That should put an end to any nostalgia for the days before inflation when Americans’ IRAs and home values had not yet been razed by Bidenomics. The goal isn’t to elect Trump; Democrats simply want him to be the nominee.

Of course, Garland’s claim that the special counsel’s investigation into Trump World will be apolitical and separate from the vindictive Joe Biden White House is nonsense. Garland will report to Jack Smith, who will report to Joe Biden.

Given that former President Trump recently declared his intention to run for President in 2024, and that the mentally ill Joe Biden has stated his intention to run against him, the appointment appears to be an outrage.

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It’s not as if Trump’s handling of documents isn’t already being investigated, or that there isn’t a lot of new information about the January 6 riots to be gathered. Even for those of us who believe President Trump should not be our party’s nominee, the whole thing stinks to high heaven.

It almost makes us sympathetic to The Donald, who has been unfairly targeted, spied on, and accused of terrible wrongdoing by people like Adam Schiff, whose bogus claims of having inside information on the former president’s Russian collusion were a complete made-for-TV scam.

Or by people like the former FBI Assistant Director, who told MSNBC that Trump had possibly hidden stolen nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago in order to sell them to the highest bidder. Only after the midterm elections did the Washington Post admit that the former president was most likely collecting souvenirs.

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