Garland Denies Interfering With The Investigation Into Hunter Biden

Two IRS whistleblowers testified on Thursday to the House Ways and Means Committee, alleging that Justice Department, FBI, and IRS officials interfered with the investigation of Hunter Biden's tax evasion case against Weiss.

Garland Denies Interfering With The Investigation Into Hunter Biden
Garland Denies Interfering With The Investigation Into Hunter Biden

Merrick Garland denied allegations by whistleblowers that the IRS, FBI, & DOJ hampered Attorney David Weiss’s investigation of Hunter Biden.

“As I stated at the outset, Mr. Weiss, who was appointed by President Trump as the U.S. attorney in Delaware and was assigned this matter during the previous administration, would be permitted to continue his investigation and to decide whether or not to prosecute in any manner and in any district he desired.” “Mr. Weiss has since confirmed that he had that authority in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee,” Garland told reporters at a news conference.

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“I don’t know how it would be possible for anybody to block him from bringing a prosecution, given that he has this authority,” Garland said.

The attorney general added, “He was given complete authority to make all decisions on his own behalf.”

Two IRS whistleblowers testified on Thursday to the House Ways and Means Committee, alleging that Justice Department, FBI, and IRS officials interfered with the investigation of Hunter Biden’s tax evasion case against Weiss.

The whistleblowers stated that decisions in the case appeared to be “influenced by politics” and that investigators were “trying to limit” questions about President Biden as part of the investigation into his son, Hunter Biden.

One whistleblower, IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley Jr., who led the agency’s investigation into the president’s son, stated, “Whatever the motivations, at every stage decisions were made that had the effect of benefiting the subject of the investigation.”

He has accused officials from the Justice Department of “slow-walking” the Hunter Biden investigation, restricting the investigators’ lines of questioning for witnesses, and repeatedly delaying the investigation in an apparent effort to avoid influencing elections.

The allegations made by the whistleblowers were made public just a few days after the Justice Department said that Hunter Biden would plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax as part of a deal that should keep him out of jail.

In addition, the president’s son agreed to sign a pre-trial diversion agreement for a separate charge of unlawfully using or being addicted to a controlled substance and possessing a firearm.

The Justice Department issued the following statement in response to the allegations made by the whistleblower: U.S. Attorney David Weiss has full authority over this matter, as stated by both the Attorney General and Weiss. He decides where, when, and whether to file charges as he sees fit. He can do it without any additional approval.

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The U.S. Attorney’s Office for Delaware should be contacted for inquiries regarding his investigation.

The White House has stated on multiple occasions that President Biden has never been involved in his son’s business dealings. Additionally, they assert that the president never spoke with them.

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