Hillary Clinton Calls For ‘Formal Deprogramming’ Of Trump Supporters

Clinton described Trump as an authoritarian populist who understands the emotional and psychological needs of a portion of the population.

Hillary Clinton Calls For 'Formal Deprogramming' Of Trump Supporters - SurgeZirc US
Hillary Clinton Calls For 'Formal Deprogramming' Of Trump Supporters.

In a recent interview with CNN, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed her concern over the extremist wing of the Republican Party and called for a ‘formal deprogramming’ of many supporters of former President Trump.

Clinton contrasted the ‘sane’ part of the GOP caucus which helped prevent a government shutdown with the ‘cult’ wing devoted to Trump.

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Clinton pointed out that in the past, there were strong partisans in both parties who engaged in bitter battles over various issues.

However, she noted that there is a new wave of extremism within the Republican Party, with many MAGA extremists taking their marching orders from Donald Trump. She emphasized that Trump has lost all credibility and is only looking out for himself, as he faces civil and criminal actions.

Clinton suggested that at some point, there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members who blindly follow Trump. She acknowledged that Trump will likely be the 2024 nominee, but expressed confidence that President Biden would defeat him.

Clinton described Trump as an authoritarian populist who understands the emotional and psychological needs of a portion of the population.

According to Clinton, the base of the Republican Party resonates with Trump’s negative and divisive form of politics.

During the town hall discussion, then-Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks while then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump listens.

She suggested that some of his supporters may harbor prejudices against migrants, gay people, Black people, or women who succeed in their careers. Clinton compared this phenomenon to a cult and emphasized the need to break the momentum.

Clinton’s comments echo her infamous ‘basket of deplorables’ remark from the 2016 campaign, where she characterized some of Trump’s supporters as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic.

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While she has called for the defeat of ‘election deniers,’ Clinton has repeatedly labeled Trump as an ‘illegitimate president’ and promoted the narrative that Russia and other factors stole the 2016 election from her.

Ultimately, Hillary Clinton believes that Joe Biden will defeat Trump in 2024, leading to a break in the fever of Trumpism. She hopes that Republicans can then focus on fighting about issues among themselves and electing responsible and accountable leaders.

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