Black Voters Show Signs Of Abandoning President Biden In 2024

A May poll showed that only 41 percent of Black adults wanted Biden to run for a second term, and just 55 percent stated that they would likely support him in the general election.

Black Voters Show Signs Of Abandoning President Biden In 2024 - SurgeZirc
Black Voters Show Signs Of Abandoning President Biden In 2024.

A recent report from The Wall Street Journal suggests that an increasing number of Black voters may be turning away from President Biden, causing concern among Democratic strategists.

The alarm was raised further by a New York Times/Siena College poll, which revealed that former President Trump had gained an unprecedented level of support from Black voters in battleground states that President Biden had won in 2020.

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The poll indicated that Black voters in Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin now show a 22 percent level of support for Trump, a significant increase from the eight percent recorded in 2020.

The report includes interviews with Black voters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who expressed frustration with Biden’s handling of the economy and stated that they will not be voting for him again.

One voter, Mahamadou Diallo, 60, described Biden as a weak and old man who failed to bring about any substantial change. Diallo, from southwest Philadelphia, stated that he would vote for Trump in a potential rematch between the two.

Michelle Smith, a 46-year-old mother from north Philadelphia, who is working two jobs to make ends meet, also expressed disappointment with the president. Smith voted for Biden in 2020 but cited inflation, higher rent prices, and a feeling of being ignored as reasons for not supporting him again.

The report highlights the concerns among Democrats in battleground states, with one elected Democrat expressing extreme concern over the issue.

A May poll showed that only 41 percent of Black adults wanted Biden to run for a second term, and just 55 percent stated that they would likely support him in the general election. These figures are a stark contrast to Biden’s initial months in office when 90 percent of Black voters approved of his job performance.

Black Voters Show Signs Of Abandoning President Biden In 2024 - SurgeZirc
voters linger in line to vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Local Democratic leaders in Philadelphia are taking steps to understand why Black voters are leaving the party or abandoning Biden in 2024.

Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Hughes has initiated a canvassing effort to reach out to 25,000 low-turnout voters in his district to understand their lack of interest in voting. He aims to encourage Black voters to see the glass as “half full” under Biden, despite the prevailing sentiment of discontent.

Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Quentin Fulks, stated that the president’s reelection campaign is making an earlier investment in Black communities than ever before.

The campaign is focusing on attracting voters to Biden rather than solely boosting turnout. However, the Biden campaign did not provide an immediate response to a request for comment.

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As the 2024 elections approach, the shift in support among Black voters is causing concern among Democratic strategists. Efforts are being made to understand the reasons behind this shift and to address the concerns of Black voters who feel disillusioned with the current administration.

The outcome of these efforts will play a crucial role in determining the future of Black voter support for President Biden and the Democratic Party.

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