Republican Senators Joins Trump SCOTUS Pick, “We’ve Got The Votes”

GOP multiple swing votes came out in recent days in support of moving along a Trump nominee. Lindsey Graham Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman declared that they have got votes.

GOP multiple swing votes came out in recent days in support of moving along a Trump nominee. Lindsey Graham Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman declared that they have got votes.

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On Monday, Senator Cory Gardner, R-Colo, who is up for reelection on the 3rd of November, said that he would vote to confirm a qualified nominee from the President as did institutionalist Senator Chuck Grassely, R-lowa, who is known for his reverence for the senate’s institutional safeguards and his willingness to occasionally buck the president. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-lowa, also said that she would evaluate a Trump nominee.

Those are the three as well as the Republicans who confirmed their intentions to join Trump nominee over the weekend, give Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, a clear path to the 50 votes he needs to install Trump’s third pick to the Supreme court.

in a statement that was released on Monday Gardner said” I have and will continue to support judicial nominees who will protect our constitution, not legislate from the bench, and uphold the law. Should a qualified nominee who meets this criterion be put forward, I will vote to confirm.”

Grassley said, “the ugly tactics deployed by senate democrats during the confirmation process” and said, “the American people reaffirmed their support for the president by expanding the republican majority in the senate.”

“if the shoe were on the other foot, senate Democrats wouldn’t hesitate to use their constitutional authority and anything else at their disposal to fill this seat,” he added.

“I will carry out my duty as a member of the senate judiciary committee to evaluate the nominee for our nation’s highest court.” Ernst said.

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Those are the three  Monday committals, plus previous indications that senators Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn; Martha McSally, R-Ari; and others would support the processing of a Trump nominee appear to tip the confirmation math in favor of the Republican Senate being able to push through a Trump nominee.

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