Hunter Biden’s Infamous Laptop Was Found With “Lazy Password”

None of the material was protected by encryption or two-factor authentication, just the simple password, 'Hunter02' allowing a security risk that one former laptop security adviser to the UK government described as “staggering.”

Hunter Biden, the son of the man expected by some people to be Americans 46th president infamous laptop which contained what experts described as “classical blackmail material” was locked with the simplest password, “Hunter02.” after it was abandoned at a repairers shop.

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The MacBook Pro’s hard drive which is currently being investigated by the FBI had the simplest and lazy password anyone could think of despite containing sensitive material, emails, and some other data that may raise questions on how his father, Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden will take care of America if he has failed with taking care of his son.

The younger Biden’s laptop contains his father’s private emails and phone numbers, photos of his affairs with porn stars, photos of him abusing drugs and alcohol including the cell numbers for almost everybody who served in former President Barack Obama’s cabinet, according to the Mail report.

The laptop’s “hard drive” also contains contacts for Gwyneth Paltrow, Coldplay singer Chris Martin, former presidential candidate John Kerry, and ex-FBI boss Louis Freeh, Hunter’s own data fills the hard drive including personal email exchanges with his father and details of a $21,000 he spent on a “live cam” porn site, the Mail said.

The Mail on Sunday after seeing evidence confirmed that Hunter left the laptop at the shop and the FBI later picked it up while updating that last night, lawyers for Hunter declined to comment and representatives for Mr. Biden also refused to respond to repeated requests for comment.

However, A forensic cyber expert who was hired to analyze material downloaded from the laptop says it is authentic.

“I have been doing this for 20 years and there is nothing to suggest the laptop or its contents have been interfered with or altered in any way,’ said the expert, who has worked with US law enforcement agencies. There is no sign of data being added. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the real deal.”

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None of the material was protected by encryption or two-factor authentication, just the simple password, ‘Hunter02’ allowing a security risk that one former laptop security adviser to the UK government described as “staggering.”

Hunter appears to be the worst at setting passwords, he surely can’t pick up a job on this.

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