Mark Ridley-Thomas, A Former LA Councilman, Challenges The Guilty Verdict

Mark Ridley-Thomas, A Former LA Councilman, Challenges The Guilty Verdict

Mark Ridley-Thomas, a former LA Councilman convicted of seven charges earlier this year, challenged the jury’s guilty verdict on Monday.Mark Ridley-Thomas is asking for...

Republicans Show Support For USA Reopening By Voting In Person

The Republicans are banding together to support President Trump and push to reopen the country by choosing to vote at the Capitol in person...
US Congressman Warren Davidson Calls For A Ban On Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

US Congressman Warren Davidson Calls For A Ban On Central Bank...

US Congressman Warren Davidson firmly opposes (CBDCs) and urges Congress to ban and criminalize any related activities.Davidson’s concerns stem from a San Francisco Federal...

U.S. House committee push for contempt vote against Trump aide Steve...

The U.S. House Committee on Tuesday will push toward bringing contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump's long-term aids Steve Bannon over his refusal...
Affirmative Action In College Admissions Is Stopped By The U.S. Supreme Court

Affirmative Action In College Admissions Is Stopped By The U.S. Supreme...

The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a significant blow to affirmative action policies by striking down race-conscious student admissions programs.This ruling affected students at Harvard...

Trump Threatens To Veto Government Surveillance Bill

President Trump has threatened to veto a bill by the Democrats which would renew three authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).Republicans pulled...
White House Or bite House As Biden's Dog Allegedly Bit Secret Service Officers On 10 Occasions

White House Or Bite House? As Biden’s Dog Allegedly Bit Secret...

Biden's dog, Commander, bit Secret Service officers ten times resulting in one officer needing a hospital visit, per DHS records.These bites happened between October...

Breaking: Biden Announces Redid $1.75 Trillion Social Spending Plan

A patched-up $1.75tn (£1.27tn) spending plan has been unveiled by US President Joe Biden on Thursday.The president remarks on the plan as a notable...
Gen. Milley Warns Of Possible Scenario In Which The US Military Might Not Be "Capable" Of Competing With China

Gen. Milley Warns Of Possible Scenario In Which The US Military...

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized the need for accelerated modernization of the US military.This is in order...

Republican Ron Johnson Attempting To Subpoena Officials In FISA Probe

Republican Senate Committee chairman Ron Johnson is looking to subpoena Obama administration officials and other Democrats involved in the FISA Russian Probe.Senator Johnson will...

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